Place: Online
Date: 19-21 October 2021
Time: 9:00-17:00
Are you interested in numerical wave simulations but feel like there are too many codes and methods out there and don’t know which option is right for you? Or perhaps you just want to refresh your knowledge and gain some practical experience with the different possibilities? Either way, this fully virtual workshop is for you!
During three full days on 19-21 October 2021, you will receive introductory hands-on tutorials for ExaHyPE, Salvus, SeisSol, and SPECFEM3D, which are four different high-performance computational seismology software packages focused on waveform modeling and inversion. The workshop will provide you with an overview of their similarities, differences, and areas of applicability. Unique and in-depth half-day practicals will be provided for each package, with computational resources provided by HLRS. Participants will also be encouraged to present their own work and/or motivation as a one-minute lightning-talk during the wrap-up session of the workshop.
This training event is hosted by ChEESE, the Center of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth and supported by the ENERXICO project.
The organisers look forward to seeing you in October!
More information and registrations here