Naturally fractured oil reservoir numerical modeling
ENERXICO is developing a computer code called Black Hole (or BH code) for the numerical simulation of oil reservoirs, based on the numerical technique known as Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics or SPH...
ENERXICO acknowledged in new Supercomputing book
ENERXICO has been acknowledged in the new book titled "Supercomputing: 10th International Conference on Supercomputing in Mexico, ISUM 2019, Monterrey, Mexico, March 25–29, 2019, Revised Selected...
Three ENERXICO talks are given at XXV Congreso de la División de Dinámica de Fluidos
ENERXICO partners from UNAM, IMP and ININ presented in an ENERXICO workshop at the XXV Congreso de la División de Dinámica de Fluidos (25th Fluid Dynamics Division Congress)...
ENERXICO presents at XXIV Congreso sobre Métodos Numéricos y sus Aplicaciones
ENERXICO coordinator Jaime Klapp from ININ presented a plenary lecture titled "Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional: Aplicaciones en Ciencia e Ingeniería y el proyecto ENERXICO ("...
ENERXICO presents at AISIS2019
ENERXICO partner Margarita Mayoral-Villa, a researcher from ININ, recently gave a presentation titled "AI Applications in Oil Extraction, Case of Study: Convolutional Neural Networks...
BSC coordinates ENERXICO, a new project that will empower the Mexican energy sector with supercomputing
HPC techniques have the power to improve and reform many industrial sectors. When the Mexican government and the European Union (EU) decided to collaborate to improve their energy industries...