Developing a computational framework for virtual testing of alternative fuels at relevant engine environments
ENERXICO researchers have been working on the development of a computational framework to investigate the combustion performance of liquid fuels in internal combustion (IC) engines using a virtual...
ENERXICO talks about state-of-the-art technologies in the energy sector at the Enzo Levi Seminar
Organizer: División de Dinámica de Fluidos (DDF) de la Sociedad Mexicana de Física (SMF), or “Fluid Dynamics Division of the Mexican Physical Society” DDF President: Dr. Roanna Bonasia; DDF Vice...
Using cubic equations of state to calculate reservoir fluid properties in the Black Hole Oil Reservoir simulator code
ENERXICO has developed supercomputing technologies for the Oil & Gas industry, and as part of this has developed its own PVT fluid characterization package, with the primary objective of...
ENERXICO´s virtual booth at TERATEC Digital Forum 2020
ENERXICO partners from Bull Atos Okba Hamitou and Soline Laforet presented the project at a virtual booth in the Europa Village section of TERATEC Digital Forum 2020 on 13-14...
ENERXICO presents at CARLA 2020
The Latin America High Performance Computing Conference (CARLA) is the flagship conference in the region that brings Latin American researchers together to exchange and disseminate new ideas,...
Applying AI techniques to optimise and automate the Equation of State used in the Black Hole Oil Reservoir Simulator code
ENERXICO, in the frontier of technology, is applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to automate different stages in the numerical simulators used in the oil and gas industry. Machine...